How Microtubules work and what causes the disruption in the Tubb4a gene causing H-abc/Tubb4A related leukodystrophy

The video is available at You can see microtubules being assembled from 1:06-1:10, then disassembled from 1:11-1:15. The next sequence (1:15-1:26) is of a kinesin protein "walking" along a microtubule filament while pulling a vesicle.

Here is a longer (and narrated!) version of this video available at Its long but may provide some useful scientific context.

The "vesicle pulling" clip represents intracellular transport. The microtubules basically serve as "molecular highways" for molecular motors that haul protein cargo to different parts of the cell. Variants in TUBB4A gene result in misfolded tubulin proteins, which interfere with the ability of those microtubules to assemble properly - the process in the video - or prevent those molecular motors from attaching correctly, leading to disruptions in those intercellular transport mechanisms.