Upcoming Event: Chippin' In for a Cure - A Golf Tournament on June 10 in The Villages, FL

Join our team in The Villages, Florida who are hosting an afternoon of golf, with dinner and entertainment to follow. 

To register for this event, please open and print the registration form using the link below. After completing the form, please send it back to the address indicated at the bottom of the form. Payment is accepted via checks made payable to The Foundation to Fight H-ABC. 


Merry Christmas

What better gift could we possibly have but the gift of life!  Thank you for all your support this last year. We have raised over $100,000 thanks to you!  All of these funds have been sent to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia to be used directly for research.   We are off to a great start in 2017.   Charities Angels raised almost $11,000 for our cause in the Sinners & Saints Masquerade held in October.  Thank you Charities Angels, and thank you all for your support!


Its been a long summer indoors while recovering from surgery, but we are now heading for in patient intensive rehab.  This weekend we had a very successful car wash fundraiser at our church.  The turnout from the community and the church was heartwarming.  What a great community we live in.    Click on the pictures to scroll.